The Dream

Build a Neo-DeFi DAO FinTech usurper of & economic-includer

Pure "DAO-ism" with a mission:

  • Unleash liquidity

  • Abolish debt-driven instability

  • Reconstruct markets for true-value trade-efficiency

  • Replace TradeFi w/ next-stage, FinTech enterprise to:

    • Bank-All

    • Empower equally

    • Reward merit and ingenuity

    • Endow R&D to build paradigm-shifting, ESG-aligned technology.

The only "fear of missing out" is not joining at all...

The Dream:


Win the war against history, for the FATE of the future...

It is not the fault of prior generations, but it will be the fault of our generation if we do nothing, when we now have the means to.

Empower all members with freedom from illiquidity gained by pooling assets to create a new order of financial freedom.

Pool DAO resources from a traditional dex, upgrade constantly and aggressively to quickly disrupt the entire economy and financial industry: to obtain no more than 10-20% market share as a new type of financial organization via offering services/products/exchange markets that will be formed and take hold in the coming tokenized-digital-asset globalized economy.

  • All decisions and benefits are for the mission of the DAO - members' votes have 100% control.

  • Acquire enough resources to exceed the precedent for any collective innovation/exploration (R&D), commercial enterprise.

Please email us with questions or proposals for a live video discussion or written articles on a forums - All DAO Links can be found here.

The Term Goal:

Is to obtain a significant market share in the new (DeFi) finance sector and the + 1000s of liquidity & wealth promoting products/services that are staged to emerge. This will be achieved by focusing on bank-grade, large-scale applications of income-producing products/services: FxD will be the first of many to achieve this (unless presented with a better idea).

FATExDAO builds value through innovation β€” improving the human condition and producing the framework for a multi-generational abundance of wealth. The DAO cooperatively applies logic, we do not recreate to compete, we advent anew to supplant and standardize via win-only, no impact, diverse membership that is inclusive, and premised by socially responsible leadership β€” DeFi combined with the CSR/ESG business model. We will profitably help bank the unbanked, fund long-term R&D and infrastructure, and correctly value resource allocation and usage to enhance.

We believe in cooperation and merit-logic discourse. We avoid over-complication/jargon-creation that increases barriers to entry.

All matters are decided by the DAO via the governance token: FATE.

FATE will convert into regulated, dividend-paying securities as we strive to break from the crypto-centric models in use by most projects in the sector, and function as a for-profit commercial organization.

NOTE: The technology & all descriptions in this paper of products and services have patents pending on behalf of FATExDAO and its members. Copyright & Trademarks owned by FATExDAO members.

Last updated