Formation & Directives
Proper alignment and stable valuation require sharing information; allowing space for imagination to create higher rewards; deconstruction of data to enhance creativity and respect for minimalism as an aesthetic tool to concentrate beauty, diversity, sustainability, equality, security and speed.
To create ways and means for the maximization of human capitalization & resource efficiency that benefits everyone by focusing on creating access to the assets necessary to reduce risk and provide insurance and regulated autonomous self-governance transparency and ethics codes to create trust-based rewards, replacing punitive whistle-blowing.
To equally distribute without expense to high growth, “for-profit” models via methods that open access to technological innovation, education and specialization and increase human welfare.
Values are paramount as FATExDAO foundational components:
Social responsibility
Ecological sustainability
Non-corruptive, fair governance
Human rights
Diversity of members and the operational teams
Redefining chief executive officers as trustees accountable to the DAOs of tomorrow. The DAO strives to uphold the definitional underpinnings of education, inclusion, transparency, cooperation, adherence to updated regulation, and rapid deployment. New malleable standards and DLT/digital asset tokenization FinTech products/services will be built to remedy the results caused by a millennium of antiquated, politically manipulated devices and rules for commerce and industry. Our approach requires (and has) answers that do not provoke debate, they (inspire??) e and ingrain fundamental ideological shifts regarding value and productivity. It is now possible to replace debt-driven constructs that promote unstable, bust-boom cycles with compounding liquidity vehicles and methods that massively streamline valuation, resource use, and financial systems, while producing on a global scale more capital gain than any other pursuit yet attempted.
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