ESG w/ Natural Capital Asset Tokens
This page can be populated with extreme amounts of data to prove how the physical output, energy consumption, and pollutive output of the paper, plastic, brick & mortar central banking (aka the finance industry that is not FinTech/digital/dlt/DeFi) and forex institutions & exchanges combined with the inability of any multinational organization to end poverty and market volatility.
How/Why FxD Promotes ESG:
Collateral Reserve Token Category:
One of the collateral reserve tokens is multi-nationally sanctioned, environmental "credits" like carbon/blue tax credits, and others yet to be developed, which the DAO will pro-actively encourage.
Natural capital asset class quantification and proliferation is essential to the FxD protocol.
It fits the characteristical requirements of the reserve tokens, described here.
Sustainability is "good for business" if done right. (As is economic equality)
The point of FATExDAO, FATExFi & FxD is specific - because of the points made in the prior sections under the topic, it works. The point of FATExDAO is idealistic & philosophically driven (as detailed here) but realistic.
Humanity should not have to wait for pandemics, wars, or global climate disasters to deliver solutions en masse.
FxD will help provide the monetization base-layer for other industries, ideas, and research to receive funding that a quarterly, cash-flow-to-debt leveraged profit expectation cycle prevents. I.e.
One example is necessary to prove the point:
There are +20 billion plastic credit cards in supply, +/-20% of those are replaced each year (equal to dumping over 50 billion plastic cards in the ocean). Credit cards are the 15th largest part of the finance & insurance sector. Please do the math...
All of DeFi is discussing changing this - why has there not been a solution that no one can debate because everyone wins and there is nothing ethically wrong with it? That is the CSR/ESG need...
It goes further...
It is unarguable that unsustainable practices/conditions exist:
Reusable bags should be used for groceries
Bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy
Equity markets trade mostly worthless "rights" to owning companies that are almost all leveraged, this is a new asset market, but a sub-sector of the two industries: Fin. & Tech.
Improper debt underwriting combined with market psychology that misaligns valuation with hyperactivity will always come crashing down.
The people running do not cause "bank runs", individual manipulators' or flawed entities'
Innovation is the driving factor of success and liquidity.
Poverty & under-developed countries can be cured by building infrastructures.
This type of financing is not profitable for a private firm or one, single national interest and produces too low a yield short-term.
The existing institutions created by Bretton-Woods, or by the same event: World War 2 is intentionally not owned by one government: UN, IMF, WB have had since the 1950's to not accomplish the task.
Invention & exploration sustain and enhance the condition of humanity's life. Nothing else...
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